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  • HSE Campus in Perm
  • International Conference on Applied Research in Economics
  • International Conference on Applied Research in Economics 2014

International Conference on Applied Research in Economics 2014


The Higher School of Economics-Perm invites faculty, independent scholars, practitioners, and PhD students to participate in the second International Conference on Applied Research in Economics (iCare2).
The conference focuses on papers that identify real-life problems, emphasize the potential social impact of findings, and offer solutions by utilizing modern economic approaches. Hence the conference acronym reflects its motto - iCare.

Conference topics

We accept submissions on a wide range of subjects. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to: 

  • Empirical corporate finance
  • Empirical industrial organization
  • Labour economics
  • International economics
  • Economics of development
  • Political economy
  • etc.

This year the conference hosts two special tracks:

Track 1

The track on intangibles, innovation and intellectual capital is organized by the International Laboratory of Intangible-driven Economy. It seeks to bring together researchers and lecturers from the fields of economics, finance and management. The track topics include intangible-driven performancedynamics, intellectual capital valuation, innovation strategies, and many others. The participants will have an opportunity to discuss their papers and / or research-in-process with the members of the HSE-Perm research group and international experts.

Track 2

The track on Public-Private Interactions is organized by the International Centre for Public-Private Interactions and focuses on economic relationships between the state and the business. We particularly welcome contributions on public procurement, public-private partnerships, not-for-profits, and will be happy to consider papers on privatization / nationalization and other relevant topics.

Social programme

The Conference Organizing Committee will cover a closing dinner and social programme. The social programme will include a visit to the Perm Opera and Ballet Theater to see a world premiere of Mozart’s opera Don Giovanni conducted by Teodor Currentzis.


The HSE – Perm will award a few grants to PhD-students and junior researchers for the most outstanding papers (200 EUR each) as a contribution to cover travel expenses.  
This year the conference is partly sponsored by the Perm Krai Ministry of Education.                                                              

                     We look forward to meeting you in Perm in September 2014!